Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The time was 2:36 and school had just ended. I was really eager to leave the campus: one, because school sucks and two, because my mom was picking me up in the ghettoest van imaginable and I didn't want anyone to see it. Of course being the great mother she is, she parked the hunk-a-junk right, smack dab in front of the school where it could be seen by pretty much everyone and their mother. no pun intended. So there I am already embarrassed that i had to be seen in front of the piece of crap. I go to get into the thing via the sliding door. I open the slider and it decides not to stop. Yeah,it just kept sliding and fell off its higes all together and clunked right onto the ground. I had to go to the wood shop and ask for a screwdriver to fix it. It, to this very day, haunts me when I sleep. --Tyler